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Saint Vincent Pallotti is a man of the future, but rooted in the present . He faced a time of many conflicts for the unification of his native land-Italy, where he became a priest and gave his life in the apostolate for the salvation of souls.

Thus he circulated through all social classes, sought after as a confessor by all, while still alive, he already had a reputation for holiness; In this way, he left a legacy of spiritual sons and daughters to the world and was recognized as a saint by the Church with due honor.

That is why the words of Saint John Paul II fit the life of Saint Vincent Pallotti well:

“the saints do not pass away forever ; the saints continually encourage us to live holiness and they cry out for holiness to be lived”.

As Pope Paul VI said :

“Vincent Pallotti was the forerunner of the future… Almost a hundred years ago, the saint knocked on the conscience of lay people as one knocks on the door”. 

It is about a witness of charity that we are going to deal with in this post from the life of Saint Vincent Pallotti.


Birth of Vicente Pallotti


“I ask that the Lord guide me along a holy, safe, perfect and hidden path from human eyes and give me the grace to persevere in good”. (Saint Vincent Pallotti)

Vicente Luis Francisco Pallotti was born in Rome on April 21, 1795. His parents were Pedro Paulo and Madalena De Rossi; he was a successful merchant and she was a housewife, very devoted to the Virgin Mary. From his mother, Pallotti learned to pray as a child.

The saint was the third of twelve children, he lost five siblings as children. From his parents he inherited faith and charity towards the poor. 

Thus he spoke of his parents: “The Lord gave me holy fathers. What severe accounts must I render to God if I do not take advantage of his holy teachings.” 

Above all, Vicente Pallotti had a childhood and youth sustained and nourished by the religiosity of his parents. In fact, his family was devoted to São Felipe Neri – the saint of Joy, whose church was close to their house.

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Call to the Priesthood in the Life of Saint Vincent Pallotti


“God, Holiness by essence, with His own infinite Holiness … destroys all my wickedness. And when everything in me is destroyed, God remains in me infinite, immense, eternal, incomprehensible holiness” (Saint Vincent Pallotti).

As a child, Pallotti felt called to give his life to God. He had a great admiration for Saint Francis of Assisi , so he wanted to be a Capuchin, but his fragile health did not allow it and, following the advice of his spiritual director, he decided to enter a Seminary in his diocese.

Vicente Pallotti was ordained a priest on May 16, 1818. He concluded philosophy and theology with honors, earning a doctorate in both areas. So that allowed him to be a professor at the seminary for ten years.              

But Vicente Pallotti’s great passion was apostolic service . Thus, they say that there was no evangelization initiative that did not find him; in addition to constant confessions, he was always helping the poor, the orphans, the prisoners.


Apostolic legacy of Saint Vincent Pallotti


São Vicente Pallotti era incansável na evangelização. Uma inovação do Espírito Santo na alma dele foi acreditar no protagonismo dos leigos; ele dizia que todo batizado era capaz de evangelizar.

Essa verdade veio eclodir com o Concílio Vaticano II, por isso São João XXIII, em seu discurso, por ocasião do evento, citou o santo como referência para uma nova atuação do leigo na Igreja.  O santo dizia:

“O apostolado é a imitação e o seguimento de Cristo para a continuidade da obra da redenção. O apostolado de Jesus Cristo é a sua obediência ao preceito do Pai celeste, vale dizer, é a própria obra da redenção”.

Sendo assim, Vicente Pallotti deu o pontapé inicial ao criar a União do Apostolado Católico, que consistia em unir todas as forças da Igreja para evangelizar e praticar as obras de misericórdia espirituais e corporais.

No entanto, a inspiração divina o conduziu às águas mais profundas da evangelização. Além de suscitar nos leigos um fervor pelo anúncio do Evangelho, ele fundou um ramo feminino e outro masculino de vida religiosa para cuidar das feridas do povo de Deus.

Em outras palavras, Vicente Pallotti tinha um coração inquieto. Sentia-se amado por Deus e queria retribuir esse amor cuidando do Seu povo. E não há maior prova de amor do que dar a vida. 

Assim, nascia as Irmãs Palotinas em 1838, posteriormente em 1846,  os Padres Palotinos, ambos unidos pelo mesmo ideal de São Vicente Pallotti. 


Criou, ainda, o Oitavário da Epifania 


Uma ação missionária anual, por ocasião da visita dos reis magos ao Presépio após a Epifania, com a participação de diferentes ritos, raças e culturas como testemunho da unidade e universalidade da Igreja. 

Com essa atitude, ele se revelava como um santo de um coração universal.


“Deixa-me ir para onde Deus me chama” – São Vicente Pallotti 


Sobretudo, uma de suas características mais fortes era a caridade – fruto de sua intimidade com Deus e seu amor à Virgem Maria. 

Relatos contam que “durante o oitavário da Epifania em 1850, Vicente Pallotti, confessando, jogou a sua própria capa sobre os ombros de um pobre homem que tremia ao pé de seu confessionário”. 

Com ele já tinha uma saúde frágil e não poupava sua vida, pegou um resfriado, causando uma pneumonia que o levou à morte. 

Dessa maneira partiu para a casa do Pai aos 55 anos, em 22 de janeiro de 1850. No leito de morte, ele disse aos seus irmãos:

“A comunidade crescerá e Deus a abençoará. Fico convencido com isso. Eu digo isso para você, não porque confio, mas porque tenho certeza”.

Then, a hundred years later, on January 22, 1950, he was proclaimed blessed by Pope Pius XII, who recognized him as a “true worker in the missions” . Soon after, on January 20, 1963, during the Second Vatican Council, he was proclaimed a saint by Pope John XXIII.

His body was placed in a crystal and bronze coffin, under the high altar of the Church of São Salvador, in Onda, where it still rests, attracts vocations and inspires holiness in the Church and for the world.

Meet the female congregation that Saint Vincent Palotti founded. 

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